Tag Archives: midsummer

We Interrupt this Mom Camp to Bring You Summer Solstice Day

You may have figured out by now, that when we travel I wait until we get home to actually blog about it.  This sometimes means that the Mom Camp blog gets off schedule compared to actual Mom Camp activities.  In this case, I was forced to interrupt the vacation blog to bring you Mom Camp Summer Solstice.

If you follow the blog, you know that EVERY YEAR for the Summer Solstice we build fairy houses.  We set them up outside in the backyard and leave them for the fairies to enjoy during their midsummer revels.  They often have such wild parties that they leave the area littered with fairy dust and sprinkles.  In return, the fairies kindly leave a little a trinket and sometimes a note for the kids.

There was even a year when I doctored some photos and pretended that I got footage of the fairies in the middle of the night when they were at the fairy houses.

The first year of fairy house building was 2013.  This is the link for our 2014 fairy houses. Our 2015 houses were a little rushed because we had just returned from Ireland when we created them. 

Below you can see the best examples of our work from the last three years.  As you can tell, we use a LOT of recycled materials.  Our primary item is cardboard.  But we throw in plastic bottles, cloth, and anything else we can use.  The fairy bow and arrow quiver is an old sharpie pen top!


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Filed under Mom Camp 2016

Welcome Fairies: Mom Camp’s Summer Solstice Celebrations Mom Camp Day 8

What does mid-summer mean to you? For Cinco and The Princess it means: Fairies, Fairies and more Fairies!


The longest day of the year is traditionally thought of as a night when the fairies come out to make mischief. But, it also includes bonfires, BBQ and eating lots of that favorite summer fruit, Strawberries. For the kids it’s all about the fairies!

They loved making fairy houses for mid-summer last year and insisted on revisiting that activity this year. In fact, The Princess told me to cancel the trip to England if we didn’t do our mid-summer activities! Thankfully, the trip was planned so that we would be home in time to make fairy houses and celebrate the longest day of the year!

20140619-140638.jpgThis year we spent time making the houses. The kids changed it up a bit. They decided to add a movie theater for the fairies and The Princess even painted a fairy on the movie screen. What’s even better is that The Princess decided it should be an old-fashioned silent movie. (Thanks to Jillian for the cigar box donation!) Another new addition is the grand entrance hall, complete with guards! It is a bit garish, but hey they are kids.

20140619-140716.jpgThe old stand-by throne room is prominently featured in the fairy compound. Cinco out did himself on the room– red walls and fake wooden floors. Plus, his chair is pretty blinged-out. The Princess also decided some of the important rooms needed chandeliers ~ooh-la-la!

20140619-140653.jpgThe Princess designed the bedroom as well. I actually found last year’s bed from the queen’s bedroom. The Princess did not want use it again. We reused the pillows and then made a new bed. This year, the king fairy will also have a bed in the queen’s room ~ how racy!

We had a dinning room table last year and cute food. But, I think the table and food presentation have improved over last year! Cinco decided to use beads to make a number of fruits. My favorite were the grapes!20140619-140727.jpg

The solstice is also traditionally celebrated with bonfires. Our summer solstice celebrations also included making our own edible fires. If you want to make and eat your own, here’s how:


  • Graham Crackers
  • Nutella
  • Tiny Pretzel Sticks
  • Reese’ Pieces
  • Tiny marshmallows
  • Butterscotch or Peanut Butter Chips (Optional)


  1. Spread the Nutella on the graham cracker
  2. Arrange the tiny pretzels on the cracker in the shape of bonfire logs.
  3. Use the brown Reese’ as stones to surround the tiny pretzels.
  4. Place a small dot of Nutella on the bottom of the yellow and orange Reese’. Arrange them in between and on top of the pretzels to look like the fire. (Add a few of the butterscotch or peanut butter chips to the fire as flames).
  5. Place one of the tiny marshmallows on the end of a tiny pretzel and prop it up against the “fire”.
  6. EAT

We also grilled on the BBQ for dinner and had strawberry shortcake for dinner. After we played with a few sparklers to reinforce the fire aspect of the day!

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Filed under Mom Camp 2014

Mom Camp Day 5: Fairy Fantasy!

Today we started summer solstice week at Mom Camp. Our activities, projects, experiments and crafts are all related to the longest day of sunlight.

As part of our mid-summer celebration we built fairy houses today! On Friday (the solstice) we are going to leave them outside in hopes of catching a fairy!

The Princess designed her house to catch a princess fairy. Cinco wants to capture a “protector” fairy. I believe this to be his version of a knight. I am rather amazed that he’s going along with the fairy theme and is even enthusiastic about it. I was also required to build a fairy home and decided to go for a book fairy.

The Princess is certain she is going to catch a fairy. Cinco on the other-hand WANTS to believe he will catch one but is developing that sense of reality that its unlikely. Oh childhood–don’t leave so fast.

We made a bed for each fairy inspired by the mint tin bed craft from Disney.  We made ours from gum packs instead of mint tins. As you can see, we made one from the Disney model and then branched out to a bunk bed and princess style four-poster bed.



We made a table and chairs as well.


The table top was recycled from the Rainbow Day CD crafts. The chairs are wooden nickels and wine corks. The kids added clay fruit to the table and The Princess let the fairies borrow the tray from her doll house tea set.


Of course we needed fairy dust jars so we glued a few beads together.



We also added a wire champagne chair made by The Captain.

Cinco also took two mini mint tins and made the lounge chair.20130618-171417.jpg

Cinco’s Protector fairy also needed a weapons cache, complete with a weapons cabinet.



Shield, a lance, spear, three swords

We are also planning to add a bow and arrow to the collection tomorrow. After all, you can only build so many weapons in a day– I am not Volcan. We also plan to create a fairy wand tomorrow as well.

These are pictures of our finished rooms:





I also owe Jillian and my mom a thank you for collecting materials!

After all this hard work, it was time for a break– well for mom at least!  So I turned to my TV babysitter so I could take a shower!  And the kids watched

For our reading, we are working on all week. At little each night….

Plus, . This book fit so perfectly with our activities today!

Oh and then it was time for swimming lessons!


Filed under Mom Camp 2013