Tag Archives: Summer camp

Mom Camp Day 17: Baseball

20130717-163735.jpg In preparation for a trip to Dodger Stadium to see Cinco’s first major league game, we invited some friends – a brother/sister team- over for Baseball Day.

We got things rolling with awesome baseball crafts:
Decorate Your Own Ball cap

  • 4 Ball caps from The Dollar Store
  • Lots of beads
  • Glitter glue
  • Markers

The boys were not overly excited by this project. But The Princess and her BFF had a great time designing their hats. They liked arranging the beads on the glitter glue, although a few fell off and I had to hot glue them later for The Princess.

Color Your Own Ball bat and Players: 

The next craft was coloring in little mini-wooden baseball bats. I found them online when I was ordering a bunch of wooden craft supplies.20130717-164408.jpg Cinco also took some wooden peg men and paired them up with the bats!

Cinco’s guest made a baseball player out of a Round Clothespins and we glued his bat on him!IMG_2119

Who’s #1?

No cheer leading section is complete without the famous finger sign! I found these little gems at The Dollar Store and we decorated them for the game!!!IMG_2118

All the kids also got bouncing baseballs. The idea was to color them with markers and glitter paint. The boys left their’s plain and the girls went wild with glitter!!! Imagine!

The boys also had fun playing a fun game Cinco got from his grandmother for his B-day. You throw soft cloth baseballs at a target and depending in what you hit, you move small plastic men around a ball field. The boys abandoned the ball field and players and more fun throwing the balls! But having fun is the point so who cares?

Treats Please…..
20130717-165911.jpgFor treats, I tried make to Carmel corn. Out came my beloved Whirly-Pop!!!And, my attempt to make the Carmel corn. After the first batch turned into a gloppy mess, I decided to consult my ‘Internet cookbook’ and found a better recipe. We added peanuts and packed it up in a red and white striped popcorn bag!

The treats continued with baseball themed gum. 20130717-170601.jpg

I know you are thinking Big League Chew. But, no! These little baseball gum-balls had cute little saying on them such as ‘Home Run’, ‘Strike’ or ‘Single’.

We read this book. Short and cute. It’s a baseball themed version of Goodnight Moon!

And, Cinco finished:
It was a good book to read before heading over to a Dodger game because the end is full of interesting facts about the stadium. So interesting in fact, The Captain kept sharing them with his sister and her family (who went to the game with us!)

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It’s Angry Bird Day, Straight Down to the Undies (Mom Camp Day 13)

IMG_2035Angry Bird Day started fast with a fun cardboard tube craft.  Inspired by Crafts by Amanda we created a few birds of our own.  They are easier to make then they look–and I was working with a four and seven-year old.  If I can do it, you can too!


  • Card Board Tubes
  • Construction Paper
  • Glue Stick
  • Google Eyes (Optional)
  • Sparkle Paper (Optional)
  • Feathers (Optional)



  1. Cut the card board tubes (cut in half if you are using TP and you in either thirds or quarters for a paper towel roll.)
  2. Cut out some colored construction paper (color depends on the bird you are making).
  3. IMG_2029Cut the paper construction paper on the roll.
  4. Cut out the eyes, beaks, eyebrows and glue them on.  (You can also glue on google eyes instead, if you like.) For pigs, cut out a snout. IMG_2032If you want to make a girl bird cut out a bow (two triangles glued to a rectangle in the middle).
  5. Glue on feathers or construction paper to simulate the feathers.  For pigs, cut out the ears.

We even went so far as to design our own versions of Angry Birds and Pigs.  The Princess named her Dazzle, which is perfect!  Plus, I think she’s part of the newest game: Angry Bird-Vegas.  (Just Kidding!) IMG_2041

After all that fun, it was time to clean up so mom had to keep the kiddos occupied with a few worksheets and not so messy games!

For worksheets we turned to:

Quickly, we turned back to the fun and games with a few items I actually broke down and bought!

  • This activity book worked out really well for us. It was more than just a coloring book, because heaven knows we DO NOT NEED ANOTHER COLORING BOOK. Instead, this offers mazes, puzzles, codes, and even a simple math problem or two. What I really loved about this little book is that worked for both the 4 and 7 year-old. It offers games and puzzles with three levels of difficulty, so both kids used the book!
  •  “Play-doh” style Angry Bird kit was hit with both kids.  It comes with three cans of “doh”, two molds, and some heavy cardboard panels.  The kids were able to construct their own angry bird sets and had a blast trying to knock them down.  Plus, I really liked the consistency of the Softee dough better than “play-doh”.
  •  Cinco loved this book. Like the Star Wars Lego books, this one has pages where you have to find the right sticker and fit onto a certain page. There are also pages with scenes that your fill out with stickers. It has tons of character stickers, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Luke, Leia, Han… It is very much like the Lego sticker books–so if you like them, you will like this.

P.S.  Here are the undies: IMG_2033

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Mom Camp Day 10: The Wonderful World of Winnie the Pooh

Keeping up with the Mom Camp blog, Cinco and The Princess, as well as the house work has been a challenge this summer! It turns out that I have over planed activities for some of the Mom Camp theme days, so we may have some spill over onto other days. Mom Camp Day 10 was dedicated to non-other than the adorable characters create by A.A. Milne in his Winnie the Pooh books. The Princess is a huge Winnie fan and listens to the stories all the time so she requested a Mom Camp Day for the little bear and his pals.

Hundred Acre Wood

Hundred Acre Wood (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I found a map of the Hundred Acre Woods online and printed out a copy. We pretended each room in the house was a different place on the map and did an activity in the room.

  • Pooh Bear’s House was the kitchen and we started by baking multigrain biscuits and smothering them with honey.
  • Kanga’s House was the family island where we keep the computer. We did some online coloring pages and mazes.
  • The Bee Tree became our kitchen table and we made our own bee trees out of paper towel rolls. We cut out a small oval in IMG_1984each ‘tree’ and covered the rolls in green paper leaves. We also added a few green sparkle leaves for a little flair.

IMG_1983A little more flair was added when we made lady bugs with google eyes and pasted them to the tree as well.

IMG_1981Of course, what would a bee tree be without a bee? We also created our own bees out of pipe cleaners and added google eyes to the bees. We mounted the bees on pipe cleans and hung them from the trees. The kids then made the kids buzz in and out of the tree’s whole. We added a cut out and colored Winnie-the-Pooh complete with a red balloon. Pooh was mounted on a pipe cleaner as well and they kids chased him with the bee.

  • Owl’s House was the library and we completed a Winnie-the-Pooh puzzle I purchased at the Dollar Store.
  • Where the Woozle Wasn’t  was a dance party around the family island.  We played Winnie-the-pooh music and went round and round in a dancing/marching circle to look for a Woozle.
  • Robin’s House  was my bedroom. We cuddled up and read some stories.
  • Rabbit’s House was back in the kitchen for a little lunch of carrots and peanut butter and honey sandwiches on whole wheat.
  • Piglet’s House 
    was back in the family room where we watched a movie.

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Mom Camp Day 5: Fairy Fantasy!

Today we started summer solstice week at Mom Camp. Our activities, projects, experiments and crafts are all related to the longest day of sunlight.

As part of our mid-summer celebration we built fairy houses today! On Friday (the solstice) we are going to leave them outside in hopes of catching a fairy!

The Princess designed her house to catch a princess fairy. Cinco wants to capture a “protector” fairy. I believe this to be his version of a knight. I am rather amazed that he’s going along with the fairy theme and is even enthusiastic about it. I was also required to build a fairy home and decided to go for a book fairy.

The Princess is certain she is going to catch a fairy. Cinco on the other-hand WANTS to believe he will catch one but is developing that sense of reality that its unlikely. Oh childhood–don’t leave so fast.

We made a bed for each fairy inspired by the mint tin bed craft from Disney.  We made ours from gum packs instead of mint tins. As you can see, we made one from the Disney model and then branched out to a bunk bed and princess style four-poster bed.



We made a table and chairs as well.


The table top was recycled from the Rainbow Day CD crafts. The chairs are wooden nickels and wine corks. The kids added clay fruit to the table and The Princess let the fairies borrow the tray from her doll house tea set.


Of course we needed fairy dust jars so we glued a few beads together.



We also added a wire champagne chair made by The Captain.

Cinco also took two mini mint tins and made the lounge chair.20130618-171417.jpg

Cinco’s Protector fairy also needed a weapons cache, complete with a weapons cabinet.



Shield, a lance, spear, three swords

We are also planning to add a bow and arrow to the collection tomorrow. After all, you can only build so many weapons in a day– I am not Volcan. We also plan to create a fairy wand tomorrow as well.

These are pictures of our finished rooms:





I also owe Jillian and my mom a thank you for collecting materials!

After all this hard work, it was time for a break– well for mom at least!  So I turned to my TV babysitter so I could take a shower!  And the kids watched

For our reading, we are working on all week. At little each night….

Plus, . This book fit so perfectly with our activities today!

Oh and then it was time for swimming lessons!


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Mom Camp Day 3: Rainbow Day (Not in a Gay Pride kinda way)

Even I have to admit that yesterday’s Mom Camp was hurting. Amazing enough The Princess and Cinco both gave it pretty decent ratings (6 and 5 out of 10) . I gave it a 2! Today is going to be better and cooler and way more fun! I promise!

IMG_1822Its Rainbow day (The Princess’ idea). We start with a rainbow breakfast of all fruit. The kids picked out the fruit yesterday — Strawberry, Oranges, Pineapple, Grape, Blueberries, Blackberries (I know the blackberries is cheating a little but oh well!)

Our activities for the day:

  1. Oil, Water and Color: Borrowed from Highlight’s Website (I loved that magazine as a kid!) we did a project where place food coloring in oil add the oil to water and watch the colors sink down into the water. I thought this was going to be awesome…. but our projects sort of fizzled. The water mainly just changed color and we had to do the experiment about three times before we got it to look ANYTHING like the example.
  2. Milk Rainbow: Borrowed from Come Together Kids , we did a milk experiment with food colors, milk (has to be whole milk– which meant I had to make an emergency run to the store last night–we only have Almond Milk in the house) and dish soap. The kids add food coloring to the milk, nothing really happens. Then they add the dish soap and the soap causes the fat in the colored milk to move away from the soap. We actually used both almond and whole milk to see what the difference. The almond milk was a dud, but it was useful for the kids to compare the two kinds. We recorded our observations as well.
  3. Old CThe Princess'  VersionD Art: I found this in the book
    You take old CDs and cover them with acrylic paint. Then you swirl the paint around making designs and hang it up as art. So easy and simple even the four year had a great time doing it!
  4. The final fun project was making our our faux-tie-dyed-t-shirts. I borrowed this one from The Art Girl Jackie.IMG_1846IMG_1847 Super fun, really easy. You need sharpies, T-shirts and rubbing alcohol. Both kids enjoyed this little project very much. And, although you might think it would be messy with a 4 and 7 yr old, it was pretty much a snap!

As for books and movies… I came up blank on the movie with a rainbow theme, other than Rainbow Bright, which I thought Cinco would not appreciate. Although, he does tend to be pretty tolerant when it comes to little girl movies.


Over the Rainbow by Judy Collins: It’s basically just the song written out with some lovely illustrations added. But the book does come with a CD of her signing the song and we listened to that in the car on the way to Costco.

Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors by Sue Kassirer.

And, that brings us to the end of the exciting Rainbow Day activities!

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Welcome to MOM CAMP

The day is here! It is the last day of school! The Princess finished yesterday and Cinco has field day today and an award ceremony tomorrow.

Today I got to work on the Mom Camp starter kits—

20130604-104739.jpg It is just a bunch of little things from the dollar store-ice cream chalk, baseball cards, a bug kit, glow sticks–.

Plus our exciting sign. The Princess and I made it this morning (Notice her backwards “e”).


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June Mom Camp Schedule

With only 16 days until the end of school, I have gotten the June Mom Camp Calendar ready!    Not every day has a Mom Camp theme, since we do have a few visits from Grandma and days of actual camp.  But, we are hard at work getting ready and buying supplies for our crafts and activities.  (Esp. our fairy houses!)  Keep watching the calendar for July and August Mom Camp dates! For a sneak peak at some of our plans, you can check out my Pinterest pages.

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